Things people say when my toddler is screaming

Having just survived the terrible twos for a second time,  I’ve had plenty of advice from random strangers about how to raise my toddlers. Don’t get me wrong, there have also been many kind people in the grocery store line-up who have sent an encouraging smile my way mid-tantrum.  I’ve learned to develop a thick skin for the people who take it upon themselves to give me their “helpful” unsolicited advice. I polled my Facebook friends to see if they had similar experiences.


Here are some of the best (worst) things my friends and I have heard mid-tantrum:

  1. “My children didn’t do that. I had a 2-year-old AND newborn twins.”
  2. “My grandchildren don’t do that. And there’s four of them. And my daughter home schools them.”
  3. “Wow! He’s really upset!”
  4. “You should really be more consistent. That would nip this in the bud.”
  5. “Can I give him a piece of candy?”
  6. “Keep your cool.”
  7. “Get that kid to shut the hell up!”
  8. “She has a very loud scream.”
  9. “What a shame. He’s so cute.”
  10. “You are horrible parents for not buying your kid that toy.”
  11. “Oh my heavens!” (said with a patronizing, disgusted look)
  12. A friend’s toddler was screaming near a hotel elevator. A woman thought my friend and her husband were abducting their own child. My friends had to scream and get help from strangers to restrain the (elderly) woman who was convinced they were kidnappers!

So what would be helpful for a parent who’s dealing with a screaming child in public? How about:

*An empathetic smile

*”That is a tough age.”

*”Can I help carry your groceries?”

One by one we can support other parents and drown out the dreaded, unhelpful grocery store comments!


Leave your best “things people say when my toddler is screaming” in the comments below. Soldier on, mommas.

One response

  1. An effective help would be” can I help carry your groceries”.
    This sounds helpful and friendly….

    (My toddlers used to behave just like yours , actually!)

What do you think?